Conference Paper

Studying Genes Related to the Survival Rate of Pediatric Septic Shock

Elden R.H.
Ghoneim V.F.
Hadhoud M.M.A.
Al-Atabany W.

Pediatric septic shock is generally considered as a devastating clinical syndrome that can lead to tissue damage and organ failure due to the over exaggerated immune response to an infection. Therefore, in this paper, we attempted to early identify the clinical course of such disease with the aid of peripheral blood T-cells of 181 pediatric patients who admitted to Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Accordingly, 34 differential expressed genes have been identified as biological genetic biomarkers. Minimum redundancy and maximum relevance feature selection strategy has been proposed for the discovery of topmost 8 discriminant novel genes for validating its discriminatory performance in differentiating between pediatric septic shock survivors and non-survivor categories. Random forest (RF) with 100 trees has been optimized using 20 runs of 5-fold cross validation, the area under the curve was 0.9430 that confirm our proposed model may improve risk stratification and mortality prediction in pediatric patients with septic shock. © 2021 IEEE.