
Control design approaches for parallel robot manipulators: A review

In this article, different control design approaches for parallel robot manipulators are presented with two distinguished classes of control strategies in the literature. These are the model-free control and the dynamic control strategy, which is mainly a model-based scheme, and is mostly the alternative when the control requirements are more stringent. The authors strongly believe that this paper will be helpful for researchers and engineers in the field of robotic systems. Copyright 2017 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.

Artificial Intelligence
Circuit Theory and Applications
Software and Communications
Mechanical Design

Further experimental evidence of the fractional-order energy equation in supercapacitors

Due to the dispersive porous nature of its material, carbon–carbon supercapacitors have a current–voltage relationship which is modeled by a fractional-order differential equation of the form i(t)=Cα[Formula presented] where α≤1 is a dispersion coefficient and Cα is a pseudo-capacitance not measurable in Farads. Hence, the energy stored in a capacitor, known to equal CV2/2 where C is the capacitance in Farad and V is the voltage applied, does not apply to a supercapacitor. In a recent work (Allagui et al., 2016), a fractional-order energy equation that enables the quantification of the energy

Circuit Theory and Applications

Fuzzy firefly clustering for tumour and cancer analysis

Swarm intelligence represents a meta-heuristic approach to solve a wide variety of problems. Searching for similar patterns of genes is becoming very essential to predict the expression of genes under various conditions. Firefly clustering inspired by the behaviour of fireflies helps in grouping genes that behave alike. Contrasting hard clustering methodology, fuzzy clustering assigns membership values for every gene and predicts the possibility of belonging to every cluster. To distinguish highly expressed and suppressed genes, the research in this paper proposes an efficient fuzzy-firefly

Circuit Theory and Applications

Fractional-order mathematical model for Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia

This paper is dedicated to develop a fractional order model of the rate of change of cancerous blood cells in Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia using fractional-order differential equations as well as tackling the factors that affect this rate and compare between them. The simulated cases (using MATLAB) prove that the proposed model is doable in terms of the variables positions in the equations and its effect on the overall population. Also, the effect of the Pactional order is investigated through three parameters sets and it has shown strong influence on the dynamic response. © 2017 IEEE.

Circuit Theory and Applications

Comparative study of fractional filters for Alzheimer disease detection on MRI images

This paper presents a comparative study of four fractional order filters used for edge detection. The noise performance of these filters is analyzed upon the addition of random Gaussian noise, as well as the addition of salt and pepper noise. The peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) of the detected images is numerically compared. The mean square error (MSE) of the detected images as well as the execution time are also adopted as evaluation methods for comparison. The visual comparison of the filters capability in medical image edge detection is presented, that can help in the diagnosis of

Circuit Theory and Applications
Software and Communications

Noise-estimation-based anisotropic diffusion approach for retinal blood vessel segmentation

Recently, numerous research works in retinal-structure analysis have been performed to analyze retinal images for diagnosing and preventing ocular diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, which is the first most common causes of vision loss in the world. In this paper, an algorithm for vessel detection in fundus images is employed. First, a denoising process using the noise-estimation-based anisotropic diffusion technique is applied to restore connected vessel lines in a retinal image and eliminate noisy lines. Next, a multi-scale line-tracking algorithm is implemented to detect all the blood

Artificial Intelligence
Circuit Theory and Applications

Optimized Edge Detection Technique for Brain Tumor Detection in MR Images

Genetic algorithms (GAs) are intended to look for the optimum solution by eliminating the gene strings with the worst fitness. Hence, this paper proposes an optimized edge detection technique based on a genetic algorithm. A training dataset that consists of simple images and their corresponding optimal edge features is employed to obtain the optimum filter coefficients along with the optimum thresholding algorithm. Qualitative and quantitative performance analyses are investigated based on several well-known metrics. The performance of the proposed genetic algorithm-based cost minimization

Artificial Intelligence
Circuit Theory and Applications

Analytical solution for fractional derivative gas-flow equation in porous media

In this paper, we introduce an analytical solution of the fractional derivative gas transport equation using the power-series technique. We present a new universal transform, namely, generalized Boltzmann change of variable which depends on the fractional order, time and space. This universal transform is employed to transfer the partial differential equation into an ordinary differential equation. Moreover, the convergence of the solution has been investigated and found that solutions are unconditionally converged. Results are introduced and discussed for the universal variable and other

Energy and Water
Circuit Theory and Applications

Fractional-Order Model (FOM) for high-strength substrate biodegradation in conventional UASB reactor

This paper introduces a Fractional-Order Model (FOM) of Up-flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reactor for wastewater treatment regarding high-strength substrate biodegradation. The model can investigate the biogas production rate as well as the specific growth rate of bacteria with extra degree of freedom. Also, the hereditary effect of resident biomass on substrate degradation is studied on periodically long terms. Moreover, biomass concentration is examined in reactor under the influence of various fractional orders. Several numerical simulation results are introduced based on Grünwald

Energy and Water
Circuit Theory and Applications

Modified kinetic-hydraulic UASB reactor model for treatment of wastewater containing biodegradable organic substrates

This paper addresses a modified kinetic-hydraulic model for up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor aimed to treat wastewater of biodegradable organic substrates as acetic acid based on Van der Meer model incorporated with biological granules inclusion. This dynamic model illustrates the biomass kinetic reaction rate for both direct and indirect growth of microorganisms coupled with the amount of biogas produced by methanogenic bacteria in bed and blanket zones of reactor. Moreover, the pH value required for substrate degradation at the peak specific growth rate of bacteria is

Energy and Water
Circuit Theory and Applications