Log-domain implementation of fractional-order element emulators
Novel fractional-order capacitor and inductor em-ulators are presented in this work, which offer fully electronic tunability of their characteristics and, simultaneously, reduced circuit complexity compared to those already introduced in the literature. This has been achieved through the utilization of the log-domain filtering for implementing the approximation of the required fractional-order differentiation/integration stages. The behavior of the presented topology is evaluated using the Cadence software and MOS transistor models provided by the 0.35μm Austria Mikro Systeme CMOS process. ©

On the modeling of dispersive transient photocurrent response of organic solar cells
The current methods used for estimating the electrical parameters of organic solar cells (OSC) from time-domain measurements are based on integer-order impedance models. Meanwhile, in the frequency-domain, the adopted circuit models usually contain a constant phase element which is known to capture effectively the fractional-order dispersive behavior of these devices. Therefore, inconsistency arises between the two analyses. In this work, we derive the time-domain relaxation response of an OSC, found to follow a Mittag-Leffler function, using the same fractional-order impedance model. The

The minimax approach for a class of variable order fractional differential equation
This paper introduces an approximate solution for Liouville-Caputo variable order fractional differential equations with order 0

On a class of quadrature phase oscillators using differential pairs
A new class of quadrature phase oscillators based on cross-coupled differential pairs is introduced. This class contains eight possible circuits which produce four output voltages with phase differences of ±π or ±π/2, depending on the choice of output node, and does not require balanced differential-pair loads. Phase error analysis is provided along with experimental and simulation results using discrete MOS and BJT transistors as a proof of concept. © 2018 IEEE

Design and application examples of CMOS fractional-order differentiators and integrators
Reduced complexity CMOS fractional-order differentiator and integrator building blocks are introduced in this work, based on 2 nd -order integer-order transfer function approximations. These blocks are then used for implementing fractional-order filters as well as a Leaky-Integrate-and-Fire Mihalas-Niebur neuron model. Cascading 1 st and 2 nd -order blocks to obtain 5 th -order integer-order transfer functions, improved bandwidth of approximation accuracy is achieved. Furthermore, the realization of fractional-order capacitor and inductor emulators is demonstrated. © 2018 Elsevier Ltd

3D surface reconstruction of retinal vascular structures
We propose in this paper, a three-dimensional surface reconstruction of a retinal vascular network from a pair of 2D retinal images. Our approach attempts to address the above challenges by incorporating an epipolar geometry estimation and adaptive surface modelling in a 3D reconstruction, using three steps: segmentation, 3D skeleton reconstruction and 3D surface modelling of vascular structures. The intrinsic calibration matrices are found via the solution of simplified Kruppa equations. A simple essential matrix based on a self-calibration method has been used for the 'fundus camera-eye'

Memristor-less current- and voltage-controlled meminductor emulators
This paper introduces two mathematical models of meminductor based on a simple symmetrical double-loop equation with their generic formulas and analysis. Moreover, new circuits based on CCII are developed for emulating the behavior of the current-controlled and voltage-controlled models. The proposed circuits are realized without using a memristor unlike the previous emulators. Finally, the proposed emulators are verified using PSPICE simulations. © 2014 IEEE.

Current feedback operational amplifier (CFOA) based fractional order oscillators
This paper presents a study of fractional order oscillators based on current feedback operational amplifiers (CFOA). Two general cases have been discussed for the oscillation frequency and condition with the use of two fractional order elements of different orders. Design procedure for the two general cases is illustrated with numerical discussions. Circuit simulations for some special cases are presented to validate the theoretical findings. The simulations have been done using Ad844 commercial CFOA model © 2014 IEEE.

Pinched hysteresis with inverse-memristor frequency characteristics in some nonlinear circuit elements
Abstract Pinched hysteresis is considered to be a signature of the existence of memristance. However, here we report on a model that exhibits pinched hysteresis yet it may represent a nonlinear inductor or a nonlinear capacitor (both with quadratic nonlinearity) or a derivative-controlled nonlinear resistor/transconductor. Further, the lobe area of the pinched hysteresis loop in these devices has inverse-memristor characteristics; i.e. it is observed to widen rather than decline with increased operating frequency. Experimental results are provided to validate the model. © 2015 Elsevier Ltd.

Process variability in Cu2ZnSnSe4 solar cell devices: Electrical and structural investigations
We have fabricated 9.7% efficient Cu2ZnSnSe4/CdS/ZnO solar cells by H2Se selenization of sequentially sputtered metal layers. Despite the good efficiency obtained, process control appears to be difficult. In the present contribution we compare the electrical and physical properties of two devices with nominal same fabrication procedure, but 1% and 9.7% power conversion efficiency respectively. We identify the problem of the lower performing device to be the segregation of ZnSe phases at the backside of the sample. This ZnSe seems to be the reason for the strong bias dependent photocurrent
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